TDOR Vigil and Film Screening

Wed Nov 20
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Please join us to honor Transgender Day of Remembrance at Hollywood Library. After a vigil and moment of silence, we will be screening the film Being Thunder.

Being Thunder is gentle documentary about a young person in a Rhode Island Narragansett tribal community. Sherenté, a Two Spirit Genderqueer teenager, dances with joy and beauty. Behind the scenes tribal leaders try to disqualify her because of their belief in binary gender roles. But the community rewards her courage with an outpouring of support.

Transgender Day of Remembrance is held each year in memory of those lost to anti-trans violence. The annual event recognizes the pervasive problem of crimes against transgender people. It honors the resilience of a diverse community in the face of harassment and violence.

photo of an Indigenous woman painting a girl's face

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