Tortilla, Sope & Gordita Making with Fresh Corn Masa

Dom Ene 12
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Compartiremos nuestras recetas favoritas y hablaremos sobre la historia del maíz en las culturas indígenas de América, así como los beneficios para la salud del método tradicional de procesamiento del maíz, la nixtamalización. Este evento se ubicará en la sala comunitaria 1A.

Learn how easy it is to make delicious masa creations. This hands-on class includes shaping and cooking tortillas, sopes and gorditas and finishing them with our favorite locally available Mexican ingredients. We share our favorite recipes and talk about the history of corn in Indigenous cultures throughout the Americas, as well as the health benefits of the traditional corn processing method, nixtamalization. This event is being held in Community Room 1A.

Todos son bienvenidos. Para acomodaciones por discapacidad, llame al 503.988.5123 o escriba a 2 a 3 días antes del programa.