Learn about Google Docs with Goodwill Industries

Mar Feb 25
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Explore the potential of the free word processing software—Google Docs. This class (which requires students have a Google Account) introduces students to the formatting of Google Docs and allows students to explore the system of drop-down menus to format, create, and insert objects into a document. Unique to this class, which is in a Cloud based software environment, instruction demonstrates the downloading, uploading, and sharing of Doc files.
Google Docs Class Objectives:

  • Learn how to access Google Docs.
  • Understand the basic layout of Google Docs.
  • Explore the drop-down menu system.
  • Discover how to upload and download docs.
  • Review how to share docs.

Presented by volunteers from Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette.

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