
Mar Mar 11
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

使用乐高 STEM 套件来探索科学、技术、工程、数学和机器人概念。孩子们以团队的形式培养创意思考、编码和设计技能,并透过指导的全球编程计划,逐步获得处理现实世界问题的经验。

适合 6-10 岁及以上儿童。先到先得。


Code and Build with Legos

Explore science, technology, engineering, math and robotics concepts with Lego STEM kits. Kids grow their critical thinking, coding, and design skills as a team and gain real-world problem-solving experience through a guided, global robotics program. 

For kids ages 6-10 and up. First come first serve - this specific event is offered in Chinese. If you are looking to attend an English event, please see the MCL website for postings.

Made possible by gifts to The Library Foundation, a local nonprofit dedicated to enhancing our library's leadership, innovation and reach through private support.

Photo of Legos in many different colors.

Todos son bienvenidos. Para acomodaciones por discapacidad, llame al 503.988.5123 o escriba a help@multcolib.org 2 a 3 días antes del programa.