Someone told me recently that happiness seems like an immoderate thing to aim for, that she’s satisfied to find herself simply content. But happiness IS what I aim for. I find it walking up Mt. Tabor listening to loud music, joining friends for fantastic Portland cocktails and food, in the garden and in the kitchen with my husband and two children, as well as at work, where I get distinct and different thrills from presenting storytimes for children and recommending books for library patrons of all ages and literary tastes.
And I get a great deal of pleasure from books. I love Jane Austen, Kate Atkinson, Louise Erdrich, Jesmyn Ward and Marilynne Robinson. I read mostly literary fiction and have a special fondness for good historical fiction. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and I especially enjoy them when they are read by the author. Thanks to my kids, I can also make suggestions for children's books. Good writing and finely drawn characters make me happy, and if the characters say things that make me laugh, all the better. In the last few years, I've gotten involved in progressive activism and have become more interested in books about politics, social justice and feminism.
Ask me for reading suggestions! Coming up with them is one of my favorite things.