华语讲故事时间 - 粵語/英語 - Bilingual Cantonese / English storytime

周二 3月 4
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM

大家一齐來阅读有趣的书籍, 唱歌和童谣....! 在家長陪同下,欢迎六岁以下儿童参加粵/英双语讲故事时间。



Join us for a live storytime with fun books, songs, rhymes, and more!

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

欢迎所有人士参加 ,  残障人士如需特别安排以便参与, 请於活动前2-3天, 致电503.988.5123或发送电子邮件至help@multcolib.org.