Computer Basics with Goodwill Industries

周三 3月 5
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Build a strong foundation in your educational journey by learning the basics of computer use. Starting with the basics of logging in, to accessing computer settings to personalize the user’s experience; this class offers all computer users valuable information. Computer Basics works to assist those who haven’t ever opened a computer, while enhancing the knowledge of casual users on how to get the most from their time spent in front of the computer screen.

Computer Basics Class Objectives:
• Learn how to log onto a computer and use the desktop screen.
• Get started navigating the different types of computers and their components.
• Explore how to interact with computer programs and applications.
• Discover how to name, share, and delete files and folders.
• Learn how to customize settings to best fit the user’s needs.

Presented by volunteers from Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette

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