CareOregon in the Midland Library Lobby
Come meet with staff from CareOregon to get information about the Medicare Advantage plan and to get help with finding affordable health insurance. Resources will be available in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
CareOregon in the Midland Library Lobby
Come meet with staff from CareOregon to get information about the Medicare Advantage plan and to get help with finding affordable health insurance. Resources will be available in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
Basic Bike Maintenance Workshop
Learn about bike maintenance and bring your bicycle with you to get some hands-on experience doing basic repairs!
We'll go over the major systems on a bike, learn how to do some simple adjustments and have time to practice flat repair.
You're encouraged to bring your bike and any specific questions about issues you might have, but it's not required for attendance.
Presented by Portland Bureau of Transportation.
Herbal Cold Care
Springtime can be a true test of our immune system. Discuss trusted herbs to keep on hand for immune support when the first signs of a cold start to appear. Make an herbal honey and herb infused vinegar to take home while tasting different teas with Saundra Kamman of Bloom and Grow Nutrition.
Herbal Cold Care
Springtime can be a true test of our immune system. Discuss trusted herbs to keep on hand for immune support when the first signs of a cold start to appear. Make an herbal honey and herb infused vinegar to take home while tasting different teas with Saundra Kamman of Bloom and Grow Nutrition.
This event will be held in Community Room 1A.