Гражданство и изучение английского языка

Изучайте английский в библиотеке.

Начните свой путь к гражданству с классов и занятий с репетиторами в библиотеке. Для получения дополнительной информации позвоните или отправьте сообщение по номеру 503.577.9984 или отправьте электронное письмо по адресу mcl.adult.literacy@multcolib.org.


Mar 9

Citizenship Class - 11 sessions

Sun Mar 9
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Библиотека Rockwood

Learn about the process of becoming a citizen in a 12-week series of classes. Prepare for your citizenship interview. Study United States history and government for the examination.

Mar 15

Citizenship Class - 11 sessions

Sat Mar 15
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Библиотека Holgate

Learn about the process of becoming a citizen in a 12-week series of classes. Prepare for your citizenship interview. Study United States history and government for the examination.

Mar 16

Citizenship Class - 11 sessions

Sun Mar 16
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Библиотека Rockwood

Learn about the process of becoming a citizen in a 12-week series of classes. Prepare for your citizenship interview. Study United States history and government for the examination.