Celebrating Ramadan and Eid books for families
Books celebrating Ramadan and Eid. A selection of picture books, non-fiction and fiction holiday theme books.
Picture Books for a Budding Performer
This list was created for a young actress interested in children's books about performing. To have your own personalized list made go to www.multcolib.org/my-librarian
Celebrate National Women's History Month
Celebrate National Women's History Month
Immigrant and refugee experience for grades K-3
These books present immigrant and refugee experiences in different eras and are suitable for most children ages 5 and up.
Immigrant and refugee experience for tweens
Stories and information about immigrant and refugee experiences in different eras. For ages 9-12.
Love makes the world go 'round: books for children
Love for family, friends, community and yourself are celebrated in these picture and board books for children.
Found object and community art: books for children
Books about artists using found objects and people creating community through art and shared spaces.
Black creatives: books for kids
Illustrated biographies of artists, musicians, dancers, actors, writers, storytellers, and designers.
Honoring Black Labor for adults
The 2025 theme for Black History Month focuses on uplifting the Black community's various and profound contributions that have shaped American society. This list is highlighting the different types of labor, both paid and unpaid, that deserve recognition. The books featured here represent different forms of labor, such as providing education, organized efforts for community and activism, providing service, demonstrating innovation and excellence in their respected career paths, and many more. Created by the Black Cultural Library Advocates Team, we aim to celebrate the accomplishments made by those who came before us, as well as give flowers to those currently making positive impacts!
Honoring Black Labor for kids
It's Black History Month! The theme for 2025 is focused on celebrating the wonderful contributions made by leaders, activists, and other heroes who have an inspiring story to tell about their accomplishments and impact on the world. Created by the Black Cultural Library Advocates Team, these picture books are a great start to begin teaching children of all ages about Black history as they learn and grow!
Black Health and Self Care
Rest is equally as important as any work that we may do. This list is to celebrate self care as we approach the theme of labor for Black History Month 2025.
Bullying resources for teens
Check out these books, websites and other resources to help combat teen bullying. Learn about anti-bullying laws, connect with peer-to-peer support and more.
Black History Month 2025 - African Americans in Labor
"The 2025 Black History Month theme, African Americans, and Labor, focuses on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds – free and unfree, skilled, and unskilled, vocational and voluntary – intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Indeed, work is at the very center of much of Black history and culture." - from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History This Black History Month, check out a book (or several!) from this list to expand your knowledge about seen and unseen labor carried out by the Black community. Organized by publication date, this list focuses on a variety of labor performed by the Black community, from agriculture to nursing, from entertainment to prison labor.
Novels in verse for middle schoolers
Novels for grades 6, 7, 8 that share stories written using poetry. Sometimes fewer words can have a more powerful impact.
Kids in foster care
Fiction for tweens and young teens featuring kids in the foster care system.
Los mejores libros en español de 2024
Disfruta de nuestra selección de los mejores libros de 2024, donde nuestro personal ha escogido entre sus libros favoritos de nuestra colección, de todos los géneros y temas diversos. Esperamos que los disfrutes y nos platiques qué te parecen.
Lunar New Year | The Year of the Snake
Wednesday, January 29th 2025 marks the beginning of the new lunar year. This year will be the Year of the Snake, the sixth of all zodiac animals. The Snake stands out for its wisdom, mystery, and transformation, emphasizing introspection, strategic planning, and personal growth.
Tết Âm lịch 2025
Tết, ngày lễ quan trọng nhất ở Việt Nam, năm 2025 chào đón Tết Con Rắn. Trong nền văn hóa của nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới, rắn không chỉ là loài động vật bình thường mà còn là một biểu tượng tâm linh. Tùy theo quan niệm của mỗi dân tộc, tôn giáo, tín ngưỡng, rắn có thể biểu tượng cho cái thiện hoặc cái ác.
The Best Memoir & Biography of 2024
Recommendations for adults from Multnomah County Library staff.
The Best Nonfiction of 2024 for Adults
Staff recommendations of the best nonfiction books of 2024 for adults.