Ancestry Library Edition
Access billions of names in genealogical databases including Census Records, Passenger Lists and U.K. and Ireland records. Library version of -- only available in libraries.
Art Full Text
Journal articles for the fields of visual arts, including film. Search for images, information about artists, news and commentary, exhibition reviews, contemporary art, and art history on a global scale.
Art Index Retrospective
Indexes art journals from 1929-1984, in citation-only format.
Search for up-to-date facts and cultural information about countries around the world. You can also research U.S. states and Canadian provinces.
Images, videos, e-books, and full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals.
Gale in Context: Elementary
Find articles, maps, charts and pictures for kids in Kindergarten through grade 5.
Gale in Context: Middle School
This resource is intended for middle school and high school students. It includes content based on national curriculum standards in major subject areas such as history, literature, science, and social studies.
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Find information and discussions about current social issues and topics in the news, including arguments from different viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints contains full-text articles, opinion pieces from reference sources, magazine and newspaper articles, pamphlets, transcripts, statistics, and links to selected websites.
Gale OneFile: Business
Covers business, management, industry, economics, politics and investments. Includes articles from trade publications, journals, magazines, company profiles, full-text of Investext investment reports and recent newswire releases.
Gale OneFile: High School Edition
One stop shopping for your high school research needs. Read news articles, encyclopedia entries, listen to radio shows, and find ways to narrow your topic.
HeritageQuest Online
A collection of materials for researching family histories, including census records and other primary sources.
Images from multiple sources for your personal or educational use.
Access a broad span of literary works, including full-text poems and other materials.
MasterFILE Premier
Read articles from thousands of popular and professional magazines.
National Geographic Virtual Library
Search for articles, images, maps and advertisements found in National Geographic from 1888-2015.
New York Times Historical
Read the full-text of every page of the New York Times, cover to cover, in downloadable PDF format. Find articles on national and international affairs, businesses, sports, New York regional news, regular columns, biographical stories, and reports on science, medicine, the arts, and more.