Free Tax Help by CASH Oregon

вт мар 25
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Get free tax help by IRS-certified volunteers from CASH Oregon at the library! Schedule an appointment to secure a spot. Walk-ins are also welcome as availability allows, but are not guaranteed. Patrons must meet eligibility requirements to receive services​. ​

Please go to​ to sign-up for an appointment and learn if you qualify. They also list the required documents to bring with you to your appointment. (Other locations and alternative organization appointments are also available on that site.)

Illustration of a calendar with a date circled in red ink

Мы рады всем посетителям с любыми возможностями. Для обеспечения безбарьерного доступа лицам с ограниченными возможностями звоните 503.988.5123 или отправьте сообщение на электронный адрес за 2-3 дня до программы.