Preschool Sensory Storytime Online

ср мар 12
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

This preschool storytime is especially welcoming for children and families who are looking for a more adaptive virtual storytime experience.

This program is intended for children and their caregivers. Participants may be asked to identify themselves either through camera, chat, or by unmuting. If you would like to attend as an observer, please contact us at 503.988.5123.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Мы рады всем посетителям с любыми возможностями. Для обеспечения безбарьерного доступа лицам с ограниченными возможностями звоните 503.988.5123 или отправьте сообщение на электронный адрес за 2-3 дня до программы.