Black History Month: Buffalo Soldiers Fighting on Two Fronts

ср мар 5
5:30 PM - 7:15 PM

Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting On Two Fronts recounts the laudatory and complicated legacy of African American soldiers who sought a better life in the United States Army after the Civil War. Join us for this riveting documentary screening with the award winning film maker, Dru Holley. 

Dru Holley's mission is to highlight the stories of people who have largely been ignored or overlooked throughout American history. Join us for this journey that is complex, pivotal, essential, centered on the reality of African American and Indigenous citizens who fought for their homes.

Suitable for tweens and older.   

Made possible by The National Endowment for the Humanities Fund of The Library Foundation.   

a photograph of an African American man wearing historical soldier uniform writing at a desk

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