Learn more about Summer Reading Volunteering

The Summer Reading program is a game that encourages kids, teens, and families to read, write and play in the summer. For many volunteers, the Summer Reading volunteer program is an opportunity to grow leadership skills, confidence, and gain experience.

  • Come to the library each week during the summer for a two-hour volunteer shift.
  • Explain the Summer Reading game to kids and families visiting the library.
  • Help youth sign up for the game and choose their prizes for completing activities.
  • Talk with kids about the books they have read and activities completed.
  • Assist library staff with Summer Reading projects.

  • Entering 6th grade or higher in the next school year
  • Available to work a weekly two-hour shift between June 16 and August 31
  • Enjoy working with other people, including talking to kids and adults
  • Volunteers must be responsible and dependable.

  • Make friends while working at the library
  • Earn volunteer hours for school
  • Gain valuable skills to include on a job resume or college application